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Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Gloomsday Evening

Well, I managed to make it through what the Sun's Veronica Lorraine has christened 'Gloomsday' without topping myself. Sun readers voted today the most stressful on the calendar, sighting the return to work, post-Christmas financial concerns and the weather as the main reasons. The Guardian Newsblog also reports on a similar finding, this time the result of a scientific formula created by Cliff Arnall of the Cardiff University Centre for Lifelong Learning - whatever that is. Mr Arnall's formula takes in various factors which calculate that for 2006, January 23rd will be the most depressing of the year, although Mr Arnall's somewhat dubious credentials are brought in to question at the Newsblog, so don't go planning to gas yourself on the 23rd just yet.

Aside from all the bleakness, I had a wonderful Christmas and 21st birthday - even if the time off went far too quickly. I leave you with this hilarious collection of small ads collated by Jonathon Horsman, link courtesy of Jawbox.

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